A lesson to jobseekers everywhere - beware the counteroffer!
In today’s recruitment market the counteroffer has become a go-to staff retention tool.
As talent shortages persist in key industries, counteroffers are a last-ditch attempt to keep hold of staff. Critically, we believe they don’t offer long-term solutions to the question of why you want to leave a job in the first place unless the offer is tangible, meaningful and personal.
The reality of counter offers.
Most people will get a counteroffer at some point in their career.
“Up to 50% of candidates who resign will receive a counteroffer” from job to job, so strategising a response to one is wise.
Naturally, this strategy should go hand in hand with the reasons why you want to leave in the first place. It could be that you don’t feel rewarded, either financially or promotionally. It could be that you feel disassociated from the direction of the company, or simply that you need a change.
Counteroffers are, in our view, broad-stroke “solutions”. They are often not specific or personal enough to warrant acceptance.
Here’s why.
The Fix.
It can seem like a counteroffer does offer a fix - bosses will wrap up a counteroffer in a sweet package of more money, perhaps a new job title, an acknowledgement they “haven’t been fast enough at picking up on things”, or “we really want to give you the position you deserve now” and so on and so forth.
In reality, the vast majority of counteroffers are a poor HR sticking plaster.
They are mostly reactionary offers: short-term fixes to long-term problems. Throwing money at those sorts of issues never works. Only a small proportion of people leave jobs because of a lack of money. It's much more holistic than that.
Sadly, the stats back this up. Candidates should be aware that for all the attractiveness of a counteroffer, accepting a counteroffer is productivity and job happiness suicide unless the offer is truly personalised and it addresses the root causes of why you want to leave a job.
New job, old issues, and short-termism.
For candidates with one foot out of the door and into a new job, a counteroffer can seem like a sweet victory - finally, the job you worked for is offering you everything you wanted! They are offering everything your new company is offering, but you don’t need to faff around with onboarding because you already know the systems!
But as with many things in recruitment, if it's too good to be true, it often is. The most salient piece of research around counteroffers contains the following:
Counteroffers are not, in the main, long-term solutions to job dissatisfaction.
Your immediate response to a counteroffer.
So when faced with a counteroffer our advice, and the advice we give jobseekers, goes like this:
But in an effort to be fair here are some examples of when to take, and when to decline a counteroffer.
When to accept, or not accept, a counteroffer.
Did the boss sit down with you?
Is the counteroffer an actual “package”?
The one question a counteroffer needs to answer.
After the above two criteria have been answered, ask yourself this one question: would I have gotten all the above if I didn’t quit in the first place?
If the answer is no, don’t accept the counteroffer. You should never have to twist an employer’s arm into recognising good work and rewarding it appropriately.
In our view, the majority of counteroffers are never worth the stress and effort. In very rare circumstances are they worthwhile.
They are generally offered when the worst of the workplace damage has been done, and are done as a knee-jerk reaction to someone quitting.
As highlighted above, they are not long-term fixes for job satisfaction and we always urge any candidate facing a counteroffer to never forget why they handed in their notice in the first place!
Evolve are employer branding pioneers within the MedTech, Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences and Healthcare industries.
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